‘Lift up our voices’: a special Gilbert and Sullivan concert – April 18th 2024


Lift up our Voices

At the Royal Over-Seas League

Over-Seas House, Park Place, St James’s Street. London SW1A 1AR

Thursday 18th April 2024

Featuring Tait Awardees from Australia & New Zealand

Presented by Ross Alley | Musical director: Chad Vindin

We have a very special evening planned with the Gilbert and Sullivan Society at the Royal Overseas League in London.

The evening will feature Ross Alley as MC who will introduce the musical items and presentations.  Also, Professor Chad Vindin, as Artistic Director. We are delighted to welcome Jeffrey Black, and Stuart Maunder AM as our special guests. We are fortunate in having such notable personalities as a part of this event. We also welcome Megan Bowen, soprano as guest artist; and our talented Tait Awardees listed below.

The Tait Memorial Trust was set up to support young singers from Australia and New Zealand in memory of Viola Wilson who was a principal with both the D’Oyly Carte Opera Company and the  J.C. Williamson Company in Australia becoming their Managing and Artistic Director and marrying Frank Tait whose family ran the company.   Her story is a fascinating one and we will also learn something of this during this event with a wonderful slide show of pictures from her life. Many of the singers sponsored by the Tait Trust have gone on to have very successful professional careers across the world.

All receipts after expenses will be donated to the Tait courtesy of the Gilbert and Sullivan Society.
This concert is generously sponsored by:
The Gilbert and Sullivan and Sullivan Society

Tickets need to be purchased in advance here on our website.

Price: £15 to include the concert and a glass of wine.  This is half the usual price for Tait Trust events.

Your E Ticket is your receipt.

Venue: The Royal Overseas League, Over-Seas House Park Place, St James’s Street London SW1A 1LR.

Time: 6.30pm for 7.00pm                            Nearest tube: Green Park





Featuring Tait Awardees:

past concerts