Tait Friends
Become a Friend of the Tait Memorial Trust through an annual minimum subscription of £75 and receive discounts on tickets for Tait events, as well as an invite to a yearly celebration.

The Tait Memorial Trust has helped over 400 young performing artists from Australia & New Zealand and raised over £900,000 since its foundation in 1992. The Trust was created by Isla Baring OAM with her mother Viola, Lady Tait to honour the memory of her father Sir Frank Tait and his four brothers who had a profound effect on the classical performing arts in Australia in the twentieth century. Join us in our work to assist young Australians and New Zealanders who come to the UK to pursue their dream and help us to help them.
Join Tait Friends today
Join Tait Friends today and help us to help the next generation of young Australian performing artists who come to complete their studies in the United Kingdom.
- Download complete and either scan and email, or post it to us at:
Tait Memorial Trust
4/80 Elm Park Gardens
London SW10 9PD
- Set up a Standing Order to pay your membership fees annually, or use our Bank details to set up a Direct Debit. Download the form here
Tait Friend
- Cost: £75+
- Duration: Annual
- Description: TMT Friends £75+
- Two tickets to annual drinks reception
- 10% discount for Tait events
Tait Melba Supporter
- Cost: £250+
- Duration: Annual
- Description: Tait Melba Supporter £250+
- — the above privileges plus:
- Priority booking
- Name listed on website
- — the above privileges plus:
Tait Frank & Viola Friends
- Cost: £500+
- Duration: Annual
- Description: Tait Frank & Viola Friends £500+
- — the above privileges plus:
- Invitation for two to dinner with award recipients
- Priority booking
- Name listed on website
- — the above privileges plus:
Adopt a Performer
The Adopt a Performer scheme allows a donor to directly support a young performing artist from Australia and New Zealand studying in the UK, annually for a three-year commitment. Please click here to learn how to actively involve yourself in the career development of a young artist.
Tait Helpmann Circle
- Cost: £1000+ p/a
- Duration: Annual
- Description: ADOPT A PERFORMER annually for a three-year commitment.
- Tait Helpmann Circle £1,000+ p/a
- — the above privileges plus:
- Award linked to individual awardee
- — the above privileges plus:
Tait Bonynge Partner
- Cost: £3000+ p/a
- Duration: Annual
- Description: ADOPT A PERFORMER annually for a three-year commitment.
- Tait Bonynge Partner £3,000+ p/a
- — the above privileges plus:
- You will be listed as a named sponsor
- Regular progress reports about your awardee
- Invitations to other special Sponsor Events
- — the above privileges plus:
- Tait Bonynge Partner £3,000+ p/a
Tait Borovansky Partner
- Cost: £4,000+ p/a
- Duration: Annual
- Description: ADOPT A BALLET PERFORMER annually for a three-year commitment.
- Tait Borovansky Partner £4,000+ p/a
- — the above privileges plus:
- You will be listed as a named sponsor
- Regular progress reports about your awardee
- You will be invited to classe to see your awardee rehearse
- Invitations to other special Sponsor Event
- — the above privileges plus:
Tait Sutherland Benefactor
- Cost: £5000+ p/a
- Duration: Annual
- Description: ADOPT A PERFORMER annually for a three-year commitment
- Tait Sutherland Benefactor £5,000+p/a
- — the above privileges plus:
- Named award at a UK institution
- Invitation to a benefactor reception
- Invitations to performances where your awardee may be performing
- Opportunities to invite guests to some of these events
- Grateful acknowledgment in the Trust’s Annual Report
- — the above privileges plus:
- Tait Sutherland Benefactor £5,000+p/a
Tait Grainger Patron
- Cost: £10000+ p/a
- Duration: Annual
- Description: ADOPT A PERFORMER annually for a three-year commitment.
- Tait Grainger Patron £10,000+ p/a
- — the above privileges plus:
- Prominent listing as a major supporter in all event programs, press releases, and the Tait’s website.
- Personalized acknowledgment in the annual report and during major events.
- Custom curated experiences, such as a private dinner with our Chairman and some of our awardees.
- Invitation to a private performance or rehearsal exclusive to Grainger patrons.
- — the above privileges plus:
- Tait Grainger Patron £10,000+ p/a
The greatest return, however, would be to see your awardee fulfill their true potential and, as they graduate to a professional career, the pleasure of knowing that you played an important part in making this possible.
Endowment Fund
Thanks to a generous donation from the Australian Charity Art Auction in February 2017, and with their encouragement, we have decided to create a new Endowment Fund with an initial deposit of £10,000.
Establish your legacy by ensuring The Tait Memorial Trust can meet the needs for young Australasian performing artists for generations to come. Your gift to the Endowment Fund will enhance the income that the Fund generates, income that helps us fund studies, pay for instruments and generally support our awardees well into the future.
We have created a new class of patron or supporter whose donations can be directed to building our new endowment fund.
An “Endowment Patron” could be anyone who gives or bequeaths more than, £5,000, and their names would be recorded against the endowment fund in our records.
Tait Endowment Patrons
Earl Cadogan KBE DL
Mrs Karen Goldie-Morrison
The Hon Sarah Joiner
Mrs Anne Longden
Mrs Barbara Ross
Mr Michael Whalley OAM
If you would like to add your name to our roll call of Endowment Patrons by contributing to the fund, or would like to know how a bequest can be used to support it, please email James at:
Tait Grainger Patron £10,000+
Julian Baring Family*
The Estate of Lady Mackerras*
Ms Eugenie White and the Estate of Andrew Loewenthal*
Tait Sutherland Benefactor £5,000+
M’tro Richard Bonynge AC CBE
Sir David & Lady Higgins*
Mr John Frost AM*
Tait Bonynge Partner £3,000+
David Norman
Lady Sainsbury CBE
The Thornton Foundation*
Tait Helpmann Circle £1,000+
Mr Peter Andreae
Mrs Jaki Bryant*
Mr & Mrs Nicholas Heesom*
The Hon Sarah Joiner
Mr & Mrs Paddy Linaker
Mr Matthew Phillips
TMT Frank & Viola Friends £500+
Mr Julian Agnew
Mrs Lorraine Buckland
The late Mrs Jan Gowrie-Smith
Mrs Jacqueline Thompson
Mr Damian Walsh
Tait Melba Supporter £250+
Mrs Anne Longden
Dame Norma Major DBE
TMT Friends £75+
Mr Julian Agnew
Mr David Baillieu
Miss Janina Bialoguski
Mr Daniel Crowley
Mrs Fay Curtin
Mr James Coventry
Mrs Katherine Coventry
Mrs Nikki Coventry
Miss Leanne Cutler
Mrs Meredith Daneman
Mr Roger Davenport
Mr Philip Hart
Ms Amanda Holder
Ms Daniella Hotchin
Mr Anthony Jamison
Mr Patrick Kennedy
Mr Martin Kramer
Mrs Wendy Kramer
Lady Rosa Lipworth
Mrs Joanna McCallum
Miss Ellen Moloney
Mrs Lisa Orlov
Professor Postma
Mr Frederick Pyne
Mr Roger Traves QC
Mrs Samantha Traves
Mrs Kathryn Wark
Mrs Sue Whitley
Mrs Maria Woodruff
*Adopt a Performer