Tait Friends renewals 2015

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Principal Partner

Dear Friends,

I was so pleased to see some of our Friends at the “Rising Australian Stars” concert at the ROSL last week where no fewer than four previous recipients of Tait awards played to a very appreciative audience. The music was simply glorious and I hope that you feel, as I do, the warm glow of satisfaction at being part of the nurturing of such wonderful young talent and how, with your generosity, The Tait Memorial Trust has played no small part in moving them along their musical path. With your help we have been able to help them gain the very best musical tuition and to expose them to the challenging and vibrant musical scene of the UK. What their natural talent and hard work, their families and their initial musical education in Australia began we have been able to continue. Apart from their exceptional musical talent one cannot help but be impressed with their enthusiasm, their energy, their strong sense of purpose and their total commitment to the pursuit of excellence. I so enjoyed speaking with Som, Chad, Yelian and Emily, as well as the other performers, after the concert and I am sure you will join me in wishing them all well.


What we have achieved in the past we are to continue. We have received 30 applications for this year’s awards and the standard is, as usual, exceptionally high. Our dedicated team is busy considering all those who are auditioning and we expect to be able to help a new group of very talented and committed young musicians and dancers towards a professional career such as that about to be enjoyed by the recipient of our Leanne Benjamin award for Ballet, Josephine Frick, as she shortly begins her contract with the ENB.


This leads me to the actual purpose of this letter. It is time to renew your Tait Friends membership with The Tait Memorial Trust. It is no exaggeration to write that you, our Friends, are the vital component of our commitment to our young Australian performing artists who come to study here in the UK and we trust you will be able to continue your generous support. In addition, if you know anyone else who would like to be part of this very satisfying activity in nurturing the talent of these wonderful young people please encourage them to do so and ask them to contact me on using the contact form below. I shall be very pleased to welcome them as a Tait Friend.

We have a busy calendar of events in the coming month as you will read below and I look forward to seeing you at one of these events or elsewhere.

Your donation will enable us to continue our important work.

With thanks and warmest wishes


Mrs. Isla Baring OAM


Australian & New Zealand Festival at King’s College, May 28 – 31.

Some highlights include:

May 30th The Story of the Kelly Gang directed by Charlie Tait (1906)

May 30th Tait Concert, Double Bill, Jayson Gillham & The Australia Piano Quartet
Tait/ Australia & New Zealand Festival of Literature & Arts joint concert

May 31st Tait Young Musicians Showcase
Tait/ Australia & New Zealand Festival of Literature & Arts joint concert

July 2nd The Leanne Benjamin Awards
Leanne Benjamin AM OBE speaking with Ross Alley about her career at the English National Ballet Studios at Jays Mews, London.

It is thanks to donations such as yours that we are in a position to offer our awardees such first class opportunities.